Protecting our Vital Connection to our Donors

The prospective ePrivacy Regulation presents a tremendous opportunity to shape the way charities and not for profits are able to engage with their supporters and donor base. See below how the prospective ePrivacy Regulation may stifle the ability of charities and not for profits to do this.

FILE Objectives


We respect the privacy of our donors, and seek to establish and protect high levels of Trust with our donor base.


Ensure charities and not-for-profits are not regulated more harshly than commercial enterprises in their outreach to individuals.


Protect the donors ability to hear how their contributions have been applied to the charity’s mission.

Our Members

Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc.
European Evangelical Alliance
Bulgarian Partners Trust
European Christian Mission International
Josiah Venture NFP
Noorteühendus Koma
Youth with a Mission Geneva
ADF International Austria gemeinnützige GmbH
Bibellæser-Ringen i Danmark (Scripture Union Denmark)
Nový život, o. p. s.
Udruga Fokus

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